Recreated ZX Spectrum - All Rights

Start price: $5000.00

This Auction has not yet begun and is currently closed. To receive advance notice of when this Auction will be opened, please register your interest with Your details will be used solely to notify you of when this auction will be opened.

You are bidding for the assignable rights to the Recreated ZX Spectrum, (the ONLY full-size recreation of the 5-million-unit-selling 1980s personal computer, the Sinclair ZX Spectrum) created by Elite Systems Ltd in 2015.

Five versions of the Recreated ZX Spectrum were marketed at that time.

You can watch the promotional video, Introducing the Recreated ZX Spectrum by clicking on the thumbnail above and at this link:

 A successful bid will entitle you to:

- use the proprietary tooling and contract with the device manufacturer for new inventory of the recreated device (subject to a minimum order quantity)

Except to extent described here your successful bid will not entitle you to any rights to the ZX Spectrum an 8-bit home computer developed and marketed by Sinclair Research Ltd in 1982.

Elite Systems Ltd was incorporated in England in 1984, with company registration number 01840901 and is arguable the oldest continually operating developer and publisher of computer and video games in the UK. You can read something about Elite's first 26 years at this link:

The assignable rights were granted to Elite Systems Ltd pursuant to agreements with Sky In-Home Service Limited, its successors and assigns and with several others. Many of those agreements do not have 'sunset clauses'. Sky Licence [SKY LDM.FID78850]. The assignable rights are subject to the general terms and conditions of this Auction (which can be viewed here) and are further subject to contract, a draft of which will be issued directly to the successful bidder using the contact details provided on registration).

If you have questions and comments, or if wish to confirm your interest and / or make an off-platform offer then do please contact us.

SPECIAL NOTICE: in 2016 Elite Systems Ltd was the subject a specious, high-profile take-down piece by lo-fi journalist, Wesley Yin-Poole. The piece was based on an entirely untrue claim by Elite’s UK-based manufacturing partner, Ceratech. One of Ceratech’s Director’s communicated with Yin-Poole, a writer for a popular video game web site claiming “that Ceratech has unfinished standard (Founders’ Edition) units (of the recreated device) which Elite Systems has not yet paid for”. Based almost exclusive on Ceratech’s Director’s communications, Yin-Poole wrote and published a specious, high-profile take-down piece. In response, Elite claimed damages from Ceratech. Ceratech settled the claim and over the following twelve months Ceratech paid Elite in cash and kind a six-figure sum. Elite invited Yin-Poole to publish a retraction and to issue an apology. Yin-Poole did not respond to Elite’s invitation. A detailed account (by Elite’s sister company, Elite EV) of Ceratech’s Director’s entirely untrue claim and of Yin-Poole’s lo-fi hackery can be found here.

Lot #65
Start date 08/25/2024 13:45
End date 08/26/2024 13:45
Total due incl. Shipping/Handling fee $5000.00